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military static
budweiser clydesdal
skydive imperial
steve cowell
spencer suderman
charles aaron
bill cornick
v22 osprey demo
peter kline
dan buchanan
steve stavrakakis
viper west f16
bill reesman
john colver
blue angels


Charles "Chuck" Aaron

Charles P. Aaron has been flying helicopters for more than three decades. If it moves at all under rotary wing power, it is a virtual certainty that Aaron has flown it, most likely has instructed in it and may have even helped build it! The helicopter skills you’ll see in Red Bull’s amazing flying exhibitions are the direct result of Aaron’s spectacular montage of career accomplishments. For example he was the NASA pilot in charge of Space Shuttle Air Rescue Program located at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. At the other end of the spectrum he’s also been a crop duster, towed banners, and reported traffic. Every opportunity Charles “Chuck”Aaron could come up with that put him in a helicopter, he took. And when he wasn’t flying them, was fixing them as a certified airframe and power plant mechanic.

Red Bull Halo