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military static
budweiser clydesdal
skydive imperial
steve cowell
spencer suderman
charles aaron
bill cornick
v22 osprey demo
peter kline
dan buchanan
steve stavrakakis
viper west f16
bill reesman
john colver
blue angels


John Colver

John Colver’s 1944 SNJ-5 Texan “War Dog” come to life with lights on, smoke billowing and the roar of the Pratt & Whitney 650-HP engine. This is a Warbird in action! With his low tight passes, lazy eights and patriotic crowd-pleasing performance, Colver is a flashback to early American World War II fighter pilots.

His aviation career spans more than 26 years he has logged some 12,000 flying hours in over 50 types of aircraft, including the Goodyear Blimp. John and his “War Dog,” his big silver SNJ-5 Texan, have dazzled crowds everywhere with their show “Salute to America.” This performance is proudly sponsored by Libera Design, Inc.
