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military static
budweiser clydesdal
skydive imperial
steve cowell
spencer suderman
charles aaron
bill cornick
v22 osprey demo
peter kline
dan buchanan
steve stavrakakis
viper west f16
bill reesman
john colver
blue angels


Dan Buchanan

Dan was a New England home builder and flat-track motorcycle racer, and enjoyed the thrill of flying off mountain tops, when in 1981, he paralyzed his legs trying to land in stormy weather. Losing his ability to walk, he returned to college to pursue a career in mechanical engineering and worked in Silicon Valley, CA.

Despite his handicap, Dan returned to flying within six months, and since then his tenacity and adventurous spirit has allowed him to accrue more than 2,800 hours of flight time in hang gliders and sailplanes. His recreational flights are typically 3-6 hours long thermal soaring as high as 18,000 feet over the western mountains.

Dan is also a Federally and State licensed pyrotechnician trained by Hollywood experts.  He installs, wires and sequences all of the special effects on the fabric wing himself. Can you blame him? He is also a FAA Commercial Glider pilot, enjoying sailplane aerobatics and giving glider rides at Minden, Nevada and San Diego, CA when not on the Airshow tour.

Dan Buchanan