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Steve Cowell

Steve Cowell, the pilot of the Double Vee, is a performer B727 Captain and was also a Consultant/Instructor on the B737 to a major airline. Steve has over 15000 hours of flight experience in 26 different aircraft.

The “Double Veeä” is the only authentic, fully restored aircraft in existence once utilized by the now famous Tuskegee Airmen during World War Two. This North American T-6 is named in honor of the historic campaign waged during World War Two for African Americans. It stood for a double, uncomprised victory…a victory abroad against the Axis powers and a victory at home against prejudice.

Steve has meticulously restored the aircraft to its original paint scheme with the markings it bore while in service. After a three-year restoration, Double Vee now tours the country at selected air shows with a unique, historical, educational display second to none.

Tuskegee AT-6